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24 votes
10 answers

How to inject HTML code into every delivered HTML page?

I've got an Apache web server that delivers static HTML pages. For some reason I can't change the files themselves, but I still want to inject some HTML into every page that is being served. Is this ...
Node's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Which is faster at serving up PHP pages, Apache or NGINX

I've read quite a bit on the major benefits to running NGINX over Apache for serving static files. However, I have never seen an article talking about Apache vs NGINX for serving PHP pages. Question: ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is my .htaccess and .htpasswd not working?

I have .htaccess and .htpasswd files in the directory that has png files that I want to protect. .htaccess AuthType Basic AuthName "Co to za nielegalne grzebanie w plikach, juz dzwonie na ...
Wungiel's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Apache2 slow serving static while healthy

My Apache status looks like; 201 requests/sec - 98.8 kB/second - 504 B/request 85 requests currently being processed, 345 idle workers ...
user45339's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Change the prefix of a website? (IE: ->

Some websites have variable prefixes. For example: is presented as How do I do that? I assume its a sub-directory, but can't find anything explaining how to ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to wrap all html responses in a html layout using apache 2.2?

I have multiple web-apps running on a server using different technologies. java php (wordpress) python (trac) They are all front-ended with Apache 2.2. My question is does anyone know a good way to ...
delux247's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Find links that return 404s

I'm building a fairly large html site which relies on a lot of links between sections that need to be correct. Is there any way I can check each link on a page and make sure that it doesn't return a ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

After loading a certain number of javascript/css files, the files are taking too long to load

I have a problem where on page load (after a certain number of .js or .css files) the files are taking way too long to load. At first I thought that the issue must be inside the .js files, but later I ...
barney.balazs's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Apache shows .html, .php files as .txt

I have files in public_html (index.html). When I go to the main page it gives me "Apache Test Page". When I try to add link to them manually (domain_name/index.html or index2.php) it gives me only ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

relative html links for port numbers?

I have a unique situation I think, google isn't telling me much. I want to have a way to have a hyperlink in html to simply go to: http://:8081 http://:8080 When the page itself is running on port ...
bobinabottle's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I access a site by IP on a CentOS server [closed]

I have a CentOS 6.3 server, running Apache and have DirectAdmin installed. I have created what will be a new domain, but I do not have a domain name yet. For now I have created, lets say, mydomain....
Duck's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Apache Send .java files as text instead of download

How do I configure my apache instance to simply load *.java files in browser instead of sending it to me as a download?
verhogen's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to execute a bash shell script via a browser link

I have written a bash script that periodically checks a directory for newly added .ear files and copies them to the respective JBoss server's deploy directory.Before copying, it checks if JBoss is ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Blocking directory listing on a wamp server [duplicate]

So I have a website that runs through wamp however if you type a path in the address bar, you get an index of the directory, which I don't want I have already tried to add a .htaccess file in the ...
Cairn Langan's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Lots of files being used by blank web page. What are they?

I am trying to optimise a website and I was using the network waterfall facility in Google Chrome. When I looked at the results there were lots of files which I didnt recognise. I first thought they ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Setting up php in apache2

There is probably a very simple solution for this particular issue, alas I ether have yet to find it or understand the solution if I did find it. Our server is Ubuntu 12.04. Apache2 is set up and ...
Chris Ervin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Serve pre-compressed html files using apache2, functionality equivalent to mod_gunzip

Is there a way to implement mod_gunzip's functionality using apache filters? Store gzipped files on the server, hand out compressed data to the browsers that can cope with it and uncompress it for ...
freethinker's user avatar
0 votes
7 answers

URL works without "www", but not with it [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Domain without the 'www.' gives me the Apache 'It works!' page Hey, I've seen this quesiton asked the opposite way, but I'm having the problem stated above. My ...
iMaster's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to get the php code working inside html file? [closed]

Following an example of using php code inside html on the W3 page I have the following code inside my html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>First try with php:</p>...
Alex's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Apache custom 404 page not loading

I am trying to set up a custom error page for 404 error on my apache server. Here is what I am included in the Virtualhost <VirtualHost *:80> ErrorDocument 404 /var/www/html/mant.html </...
shamon shamsudeen's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Apache mod_autoindex and declaring a favicon in the <head>?

All browsers are not equal. Hence I need to explicitly state that I have a favicon ("shortcut icon") for mod_autoindex-generated pages. How can I do that? Using header (HeaderName) and footer (...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do I change the format of Apache HTTP Indices?

For instance, this index: Differs from this index: How do I change the format of the indices for my web server?
NobleUplift's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Image displaying in a browser but not in a HTML compiler

My image is displaying correctly in a browser, but when i use the image link inside an HTML compiler, its showing a broken image symbol. Image link : <img src="...
Ragav's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Show number of downloads in Apache directory listing

I have an Apache html server running which contains the standard directory listing. Is it possible to add an extra parameter to show the number of downloads beside each file?
user2917413's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Webserver running very slow

I am going to attempt to post all relevant information to my problem so I don't get downvoted. Any help/guidance will be much appreciated. 2 days ago, my website: , http://ianon....
user1011332's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

index.html will execute PHP code

I have a server with suPHP, Apache2 and PHP5.4. I noticed that a document index.html will execute PHP code, while test.html will not execute PHP code. Of course I do not want that PHP code is ...
Daniel Marschall's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/httpd: free(): invalid pointer: 0x068977f0 ***

Completely fresh install of CentOS and I've installed PHP, MySQL and Apache with all modules, when I first tried to run the service the following message is in the error_log followed by a memory map. ...
user3323520's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache on Windows loading broken HTML

I have the weirdest issue going on right now and I've spent my whole weekend trying to figure it out and Googling it with no success. I setup an Apache 2.2.22 x86 server on Windows 7 from the Apache ...
Ryan Mortier's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Apache custom error pages

Is there a way to make apache redirect error codes (401 particularly) to a custom page? I tried using "ErrorDocument 401 /errors/somepage.html" in the htaccess file but its not working. Any other ...
Halik's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

URL arguments and Webserver configuration

I am trying to archive an old wordpress blog of mine. So far the best way I have found to do this is via wget. The problem is the name of the files it generates, like "index.html?cat=3&paged=3....
Jono's user avatar
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