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3 answers

Is It Possible To Self-Teach PHP, Wordpress, CentOS (Linux), Apache, Nginx etc?

consider me a total noob, who uses a Windows PC and has never touched Linux. But I want to administer, manage and take responsibility of my server, at least at some point, if not now. But since I am ...
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WordPress plugin for TRAC?

Any kind of WordPress plugin for TRAC? How to install, where to get? Analogs? Main problem is to have some normal blog for track with full html support Flash Silverlight etc.
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WordPress+HTML -> Moodle

One has a site with a lot of (a lot of a lot of) pages in HTML. The pages are managed through WordPress and includ motions, different fonts, videos, images, etc., ie, are elaborated pages. Because of ...
Quiet_waters's user avatar
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Was My Wordpress Site Hacked? [duplicate]

I just checked my WordPress site (Wherehouse MKE) and there is this bar that runs across the top of the page and when you click anywhere on the site it wants to open a spam page. Lucky the ...
Max Kulik's user avatar
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