Questions tagged [html]

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Outlook: Invalid signature of mixed HTML/Plaintext E-Mails

while testing new security GPOs, i've found the problem that with E-Mails that contain HTML and Plaintext, Outlook always complains about invalid signatures or tempered messages, even though with the ...
Björn Max Jakobsen's user avatar
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Need help configuring NGINX to serve both html & php files

I'm really out of luck today. I don't know what it is, but I can't get NGINX to do, what it should do. I want to achieve the following: shows index.html (/var/www/domain/index.html) domain....
lxxrxtz's user avatar
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httpd - operating source html in compressed format

For the sake of storage limitation I was wondering if the webpages stored in my open source router firmware could be individually compressed to reduce demand on flash. So index.html would be stored as ...
rs232's user avatar
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How can I retrieve a specific value in nginx from the form data..?

I am a newbie in Nginx. I want to fetch a particular value "en" from this form data in Nginx ($request_body) "csrfmiddlewaretoken=...
aks's user avatar
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php returns error code 127 persistently from exec/shell_exec python script even though script file is found in php by ls-al

I'm using a CentOS x86-64 Linux server, trying to run a python script from a php script called by an html-script. This is a well-covered topic on the internet, however nothing of the instructions and ...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 answer

Api request that return virtualHosts list name or ip

Is there a way for send a request to apache web server and it be returned list of all virtualHosts, name or ip address? Can be done it with some api? I Know that executing apache2ctl -S I get info on ...
zab nicola's user avatar
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Weekly automated check to see if a script is still present in a homepage

I work with several hotels that installed a script (unique for each) in their website to add some tools offered by my company. Sometimes they change their home page or their booking engine without ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Loading site within a site

I have a question because I'm not sure how to approach this and don't know if my thinking is correct. I have a Linux Server (CentOS/RHEL 7). On that server I have an application - r-shiny. It creates ...
Moorti's user avatar
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How do I block site redirects from injections ads?

I have a site where I have various advertisements from a few advertiser , and from time to time my site is redirected how many other porn sites etc ... I installed anti adblock script because I gain ...
Andrei Constantin's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx handle multiple htmls in different for different locations in same server

I want to deploy my react app's in nginx under the same server, serving different html's for different locations, I have tried below configuration but it din't work for me server { listen 8080; ...
Sumanth Madishetty's user avatar
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IIS .php file strange behaviour

I need to host a php based website on IIS and I have come across some strange behaviour of .php files. When I try to open index.php, I get the white screen of death. There are no error logs (I ...
Solilim's user avatar
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error: rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/index.html"

I have a problem with nginx configuration. Everything worked fine in Docker, but I had to resign from Docker, and things started to happen. Actually I get an 500 internal server error when trying to ...
hc0re's user avatar
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Was My Wordpress Site Hacked? [duplicate]

I just checked my WordPress site (Wherehouse MKE) and there is this bar that runs across the top of the page and when you click anywhere on the site it wants to open a spam page. Lucky the ...
Max Kulik's user avatar
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Redirect tomcat default page to directly open application

I want to redirect tomcat to directly open my application. Example: http://localhost:8080/myapp should directly open as http://localhost:8080/. I read various articles and solutions from the web and ...
Shravan's user avatar
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Powershell send-mail message, how to put line break in body variable

I am searching for a string in multiple files within a folder. If I get that string, then I would like to email all these folders which have this string. I have figured all that out and have adjusted ...
user3421341's user avatar
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My Cloudflare-connected website is not updating

I have a website hosted via ByetHost and the site is connected to Cloudflare, I want to update the site after a month of publishing. When i uploaded the updated HTML files via Filezilla, the site ...
sodaddict's user avatar
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Nginx nodejs site static content - 404 error but works when access direct via ip

I am trying to use nginx with my nodejs site, but i am having issues with the nginx configuration. Initially i couldn't get my css or images to display but i fixed that by adding: location /images { ...
user7856951's user avatar
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Outlook HTML message going to Spam

I have a 3 or 4 users in our company whose emails consistently goes the recipient's spam folder. Whether it's gmail, yahoo, or another email provider. We run an in house Exchange 2010 server. None of ...
GarudaLead's user avatar
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Using IIS, is it possible to use URL Rewrite to direct it to a specific HTML page?

I am configuring a web map application using IIS and GeoServer (installed through OpenGeoSuite) on an AWS EC2 instance. Using this tutorial (
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Contact form from ubuntu to Zoho email address

I would like some support in order to get my Postfix configuration working with my Zoho email account. What I am trying to do is to send a message from my contact form in!/...
Gery's user avatar
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Nginx serving index.html fine, but requests for assets are bad

i have the following nginx config: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; listen 443; listen [::]:443; server_name; ...
Idefixx's user avatar
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HTML Paragraph Multiple Line Alignment [closed]

When I open this HTML document in Chrome. The line that says "Line 2". How do I get it to align to the center too without starting a new paragraph tag. <html> <head> <title>HTML ...
jturnism's user avatar
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ngnix proxy_pass HTML resources

I'm setting up a reverse proxy that connects to different localhost ports with different services. This is the NGINX site configuration: server { listen; root /var/www/; index ...
chaser1's user avatar
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*** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/httpd: free(): invalid pointer: 0x068977f0 ***

Completely fresh install of CentOS and I've installed PHP, MySQL and Apache with all modules, when I first tried to run the service the following message is in the error_log followed by a memory map. ...
user3323520's user avatar
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Changing HTML-TITLE for web application with NGINX [duplicate]

There are some web applications which are running on my server. Most of them use their own small server, which are bound to localhost. So for access them, I am using NGINX which runs as a proxy. Now, ...
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HTML page on IIS 6

I always been about Linux webservers. I need to make a simple page for intranet users. I was reading a guide how to setup a webpage in IIS. But as far as I understand it doesn't capable of simply ...
user2917823's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make html files accessible from OpenShift server running python?

I have an OpenShift DIY app running Python. However, I cannot reach static files like html. (or run php) If I try accessing:, I get: uWSGI Error Python application not ...
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Have Exchange/Outlook process html tags in SMTP mail

I am working with a third party application that sends simple SMTP email messages. The application doesn't respect line breaks or multiple spaces so the resulting email is barely legible. Since the ...
Todd Pukanecz's user avatar
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2 answers

Downloading ASP Created Website Data

I am currently dealing with an old website where there are political issues preventing the migration of the database or re-designing the site. Since I can't get access to the database I basically I ...
user770395's user avatar
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Nginx to act as both a webserver and for file transfer

I would like to use Nginx as a webserver on my Ubuntu 12.04 server, but i would also like to use it for file transfers. I have been able to set it up as a webserver (very simple), and I have been ...
Simon Naude's user avatar
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Network connection failed in Red 5 server

I am new to red5 server. When I try to run Red5 by creating a project in Eclipse using the Red5 plugin it runs with an error: [INFO] [NioProcessor-2] - Scope ...
Somdeb's user avatar
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Apache on Windows loading broken HTML

I have the weirdest issue going on right now and I've spent my whole weekend trying to figure it out and Googling it with no success. I setup an Apache 2.2.22 x86 server on Windows 7 from the Apache ...
Ryan Mortier's user avatar
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Accessing ActiveX control through web server

I have developed the ActiveX control & register with Common CLSID number . using the CLSID number accessing the active X control on the internet explorer (as web page).using following object tag ...
user847455's user avatar
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IE halts loading HTML page abruptly, possible network issue

Understanding that my problem could have a very vast scope of possibilities, I'll accept the answer that points me to something that I might have missed. My software's client is facing this issue of ...
Vishal Seth's user avatar
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Report to Multiple Google Analytics Property IDs?

Is it possible to have Google Analytics report traffic to a given page to more than one Profile ID? If so, are there any special considerations or recommendations for doing such? I can't seem to find ...
Brad Westness's user avatar
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Apache custom error pages

Is there a way to make apache redirect error codes (401 particularly) to a custom page? I tried using "ErrorDocument 401 /errors/somepage.html" in the htaccess file but its not working. Any other ...
Halik's user avatar
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URL arguments and Webserver configuration

I am trying to archive an old wordpress blog of mine. So far the best way I have found to do this is via wget. The problem is the name of the files it generates, like "index.html?cat=3&paged=3....
Jono's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does IIS 7 return a 500 when I access an HTML page?

IIS 7 returns a 500 server error when I request an HTML page with this structure: <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> </head> <body> Some text </body> &...
Out Into Space's user avatar
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Keep ASP.NET site and content separate

I have an ASP.NET site in folder x. Currently lots of other static content gets added to folder x and gets mixed in, making it one big mess. I would like to keep the ASP.NET site and the content ...
Nelson Rothermel's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Does anyone know a good free SHA1 hash generator? [closed]

Does anyone know a good free SHA1 hash generator? I am trying to has some info on the client side before post it back. I need a free SHA1 hash generator. Thanks
Kourosh Samia's user avatar
-1 votes
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Relative URL is relative to wrong absolute URL on web

Background I am building a website. The files are: /index.php /pic.jpg /dir/index.php /dir/pic.jpg As we know, people can visit my site's dir/index.php page using different URLs: 1. ...
Bob Johnson's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to open a static html file from an ip using file://? [closed]

i need to open a static html file from ip 192.168.##.##. my problem is, i cant access the file using file://192.168.##.##/folder/names/ACT2-1.html i need to open it using file:// not http:// to run ...
Wilbert Santos's user avatar
-1 votes
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HTML POST method downloads the corresponding php [closed]

I am making an authentication form on HTML and trying to link it up with PHP. The HTML code is <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Authorized logged in</title> </...
harshvardhan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why html output aborts before the php code execution?

I have a file named x.php in /var/www/html that looks like <html> <head> <title>-_-</title> </head> <body> <h1>Table</h1> <?php mysqli_report(...
John Goofy's user avatar
-1 votes
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MRTG - HTML buttons to index page

My goal is to include HTML buttons in the Index page in order to classify my MRTG page in different subcategories. Right now what I have done is to make 6 empty graphs with a .png created by myself ...
Javier Suárez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Help with setting up a local server!

I am new to web development and will gladly take any advice. I am designing a webpage which which utilizes a MySQL database. I am hosting the webpage on a LAMP server; I am using Ubuntu. Right now, I ...
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-2 votes
1 answer

Could any kind of code be stored on an external server? [closed]

is it possible to story any code (php html js css ...) on and request it to be loaded onto any website like thanks
Jimbo Mombasa's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is a web server actually REQUIRED in order to make html content available to the internet? [closed]

Is Apache or IIS or a similar service actually required to make web content available to the internet? For example, say I had web content at /var/www/index.html. If a user fired up a browser and ...
Digital Impermanence's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can a server setting keep a page from opening? [closed]

I have a page with the following form: <form name="form1" method="post" action="wrong_1.htm" target="_blank"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="A. Public / Community View "> &...
KevDog's user avatar
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.htaccess file? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mod_Rewrite Rules but Were Afraid to Ask? How to create .htaccess file for 301 permanent redirect. I am looking for exact code that we ...
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