As an admin, I have always had access to Azure AD B2C Settings by opening B2C tenant to create user flows, add new users, etc. I had to replace my cell phone and the I cannot access to the AD B2C settings due to the unavailable 2FA code on my new mobile phone. Now I am totally locked out and unable to access the AD B2C settings. There are no other admins but me to seek their help too. How can I restore my access to AD B2C Settings?

  • which Product has been involved to use the 2FA?its really not clear to me, how you could have only one access token.
    – djdomi
    Oct 17 at 14:44
  • Contact Microsoft. They have account recovery for paying customers.
    – vidarlo
    Oct 17 at 18:46
  • @djdomi Azure AD B2C 2FA is the problem that I cannot overcome. The 2FA was working on the authentication app on the previous cell phone.
    – Arash
    Oct 18 at 0:07
  • open up a Case on microsoft and mostly any Account has at least a phone number as a backup
    – djdomi
    Oct 18 at 15:18


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