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AD: Roll out an MSI application at midnight

Using Windows Server's Active Directory and Group Policy, is there a way to roll out an MSI file at a scheduled time, like midnight?
Vlueboy's user avatar
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When GPO no longer applies, is deployed software automatically uninstalled?

Are packages installed by GPO automatically removed when the GPO no longer applies?
Matt's user avatar
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Difference between isntalling a msi using "Invoke-WmiMethod"(via a cmd file) and installing directly on the server

Ran against a server to install the msi; eventlogs were clean and all success; but the key file in bin direstory is still old. Later tried installing it directly doing a double click by RDP into the ...
Darktux's user avatar
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Unable to create a Group Policy in Windows Server 2003 to install software

This is my first attempt at creating a Group Policy to install a software product for computers on our domain. When I attempt to add a package I receive the following error: Add operation failed. ...
Tim Lentine's user avatar
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SQL Server 2005 SP2 install Support files failed

I'm racking my brains trying to apply service pack 2 to a recently installed SQL Server 2005 installation on a Windows Server 2K3 64-bit The error message from the installation is unhelpful: MSP ...
Gareth's user avatar
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error installing VSTS 2008 SP1

I am installing VSTS 2008 SP1 on Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit, which has already installed with VSTS 2008 successfully before. I met with the following error (from install log, at almost the end of ...
George2's user avatar
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Mark MSI to be installed on Windows Server 2003 as non administrator

Guys, girls, I'm a developer so forgive my naivete on system fronts, I've come for the guru's who know better than I on these issues. I am trying to be a corporate citizen and not run my services on ...
Spence's user avatar
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Unexpected msi-Setup crash on server 2003

I am encountering the problem that I have an installer which works fine on other server 2003 enviroments but crashes on this one. My researches have lead me to the problem of installing IIS 6.0 - I ...
Horius's user avatar
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