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19 votes
6 answers

Find GUID of MSI Package

How can I find the GUID of an MSI package? I would like to script the removal of a program on a large number of desktops by using: msiexec.exe /x ProductCode Any reason why this would not work ...
SamErde's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

What is the best (free) tool to wrap an .exe into a MSI?

I'm looking at deploying some software via GPSI and the current version of the software is distributed as a .exe so I need to convert it to an MSI file. furthermore, why does MS still distribute some ...
GNUix's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Retrieving public properties from an MSI file

Is there a tool or mechanism for retrieving the available public properties from a Windows MSI file? Some vendors that supply MSI files don't document these themselves, so I'm curious to see if there ...
Ken Barber's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How do I run a .msi installer with elevated priviledges on Windows

Normally you can right-click an executable and select "Run As" and away you go, but it doesn't seem to work for .msi files.
ninesided's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Batch file to uninstall all Sun Java versions?

I'm setting up a system to keep Java in our office up to date. Everyone has all different versions of Java, many of them old and insecure, and some dating back as far as 1.4. I have a System Center ...
Ricket's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Install .msi from script, detect when install is done

I'm trying to make an install script. I want to install an .msi file, Python, and then install other things after Python is installed. I already see how to do a command-line install. However, msiexec ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How do I determine what the Windows Installer (msiexec) is doing?

After rolling out a new software package, I'm seeing high CPU usage on machines. One process that seems to be really active is msiexec, which really shouldn't be running. I'm watching it in process ...
Boden's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Silent Install of MSI

What is the command line to silently install an MSI file?
JoshRivers's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What does /v/qn parameter do for windows silent installers?

This page says to do a silent install you pass in the parameters /s /v/qn. It mentions what /s does - silent install - but not what /v/qn does. So what does it do? Why the weird format? (on one ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Unable to launch MSI installers off NFS share

I have a Linux server where I've configured a read only NFS share. The client I'm currently working on is a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine that has the NFS features installed. I'm able to open and ...
wewantbananas's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What could be causing MsiInstaller to continuously reconfigure applications(EventID 1035)?

I have a brand-new machine that we just installed Windows Server 2008 Enterprise on about two months ago. In the event log, I am seeing thousands of EventID 1035 logged. This is MsiInstaller ...
user7862's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Published software not displayed in Add/Remove Programs

I just followed How to use Group Policy to remotely install software in Windows Server 2003 to try publishing a software (MSI file). I could follow all the steps, but the supposedly successfully ...
user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to disable msiexec help GUI?

I'm automating unattended retrieval & installation of specified .msi packages with a powershell script but if the command is invoked with syntax errors the msiexec will wait indefinitely for an OK ...
snoweagle's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Re/Installing an MSI, getting 'not a valid short file name' error

We are running windows 2008. We have a windows service called ImportService, that is installed via an MSI package. A previous version was installed about 3 months ago without problems. When have ...
Shiraz Bhaiji's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to re-cab an Administrative Install Point?

We have Acrobat 8 Pro at work, and our media was painfully out of date. Rather than install all of the machines at 8.0.0 and then do the 6 or 7 consecutive reboots adobe expects you to be ok with I ...
Nathaniel Bannister's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Puppet upgrade msi on windows

I'm running puppet on windows and I want to upgrade a package (java) I installed using an msi. I installed the package using package { 'java': ensure => installed, provider => 'msi', ...
Jeff Storey's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

When running silent uninstalls of MSIs, how do you know when it is done?

If you have a msi you want to uninstall from the command line, doing MsiExec.exe /qn /X{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217045F0} /norestart for instance, returns immediately. But msiexec.exe is running ...
jmp242's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Windows Installer folders registry key value 1

I'm looking for information about the reg folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders" I couldn't find any information on MSDN or other sites. I see that ...
wolfknight's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cannot uninstall Python 3.8.1 silently using MSIEXEC

I initially deployed Python 3.8.1 in our org (through WSUS Package Publisher if relevant) using the MSI's found here. I installed these MSI's using WSUS Package Publisher with the following command ...
Joe Smith's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Google Chrome takes 7 minutes to install via group policy

When enabling the group policy 'auto update check period override' to disable all auto update checks deploying chrome via group policy takes 7 minutes to install I get the following error in the ...
Kvad's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

On Windows how can I prevent login until a software package has been installed?

I have an MSI which is configured for machine level installation because it is a device driver. I can deploy it via Active Directory and Group Policy just fine. However on a newly booted machine a ...
Phil Hannent's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get an application's GUID

How can I get an application's GUID from an MSI file without installing it and searching for it in the registry? Is the GUID located in the MSI's properties? Or, can I retrieve it using Orca?
Force Flow's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Windows Installer runs constantly in the background on Windows Server 2012?

While trying to install a program, it complained that something else was being installed and that Windows Installer was already running (msiexec.exe). Sure enough, there were two instances of the ...
Triynko's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I get the installation log of an MSI which is being deployed via a group policy?

I have an MSI for a driver which I want to deploy via a group policy. I have a problem with it deploying on 64bit machines and want to log what is happening. The installation works fine as an ...
Phil Hannent's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

msiexec /p (for patching) - won't update after another change

I have a .msp file that is made by the Office 2007 Customization tool. If I create the .msp file and apply it to a machine it works. But if I modify that machine's office install again and then try ...
TheCleaner's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I list all installed applications including those installed in per-user context?

I can run wmic product to get a list of all installed software. This command will list any software installed in the system context, or per-user context for the logged in user. However, this command ...
pat o.'s user avatar
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0 answers

Software deployed using WMIC requires restart before launching

I have an MSI I'm attempting to deploy via WMIC. The MSI install completes without error but I cannot launch the installed application until I reboot the PC. If I try it pops up momentarily then ...
hendmp's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Install Visual C# Express 2010 onto client machines - redistributable package needed

I would like to install Visual C# Express 2010 onto several machines on the Windows network at the school where I work. I can only find web and ISO installers, but I really need MSIs for both Visual C#...
James's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Cleanup pending installation

I have an old PC with Windows 2000 that I want to reanimate. Each time I start the PC I see a dialog box "Windows Installer","Installation wird vorbereitet." (Preparing installation). I can cancel ...
harper's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise prevents MSI installation

I'm not be able to install MSI packages downloaded from the Microsoft Reference Source Code Center. The package installs first a compressed file that gets decompressed by the custom action. The ...
Toro's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why running second time isn't working?

I have a product that I can install it first, then update it - meaning to add more feature to my base product I do it by execute the MSI first time, then going to Add \ Remove Programs and when ...
Hiddai's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

excecute batch command over MSI Package

I have a huge network of PCs that are all in a same domain (active directory). I want to enable WMI service and relative port, then set the domain's administrator credentials to WMI credentials over ...
MAYSAM GAMINI's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

msiexec.exe always running

Seems like every time I go to install something it says that another installer is currently running. And sure enough, if I check Task Manager, there is an msiexec process running. It just says the ...
Wyck's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

error installing VSTS 2008 SP1

I am installing VSTS 2008 SP1 on Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit, which has already installed with VSTS 2008 successfully before. I met with the following error (from install log, at almost the end of ...
George2's user avatar
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1 answer

Deploying Applications via MDT Fails

I'm setting up a test lab for using MDT at our organization and I've been having trouble getting the installs to run properly. So far I only have an older copy (5.2) of RealVNC working. My ...
Sam K's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

How to allow program updates without prompting UAC?

We have about 15-20 users who have this software installed. We have UAC enabled through GPO as you should, which means the software prompts for admin approval if a standard user trys to install it. ...
Ryan Mortier's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Vista MSI installs fail with error 1327 after redirecting Documents folder

I have my personal profile's Documents folder redirected to a network drive H:\ . This was done by right clicking on Documents, Properties, choosing Location, and selecting H:\ . I have a problem ...
Neobyte's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Application to automate Windows software installation in a test lab

I have several test environments (hyper-V) which contain a variety of windows servers. Each machine needs periodically rolling back to a given snapshot and then re-installing with the latest version ...
MarcE's user avatar
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0 answers

Active directory failing to deploy a converted MSI file to clients via GPO

I have been struggling with deploying a Kaspersky network agent to my clients that are part of the work Domain. I have performed the below steps; Joined the client to the domain Ping the name of the ...
yatso1's user avatar
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0 answers

Windows installer package throwing error when I try running it from file server

Right now I am trying to use PDQ deploy to push out an update (20.2.40) for a software called Bluebeam, if you haven't heard of it, it's essentially a PDF editor. I have also tried running this MSI ...
Anon's user avatar
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0 answers

MSI Error 1612 during uninstallation

I was trying to uninstall one application from SCCM. This application was installed about 4 years ago. I used uninstall option in application based deployment. However, it was failed with error 1612. ...
Roxx's user avatar
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0 answers

MSI Authoring - Properties are not being read from MSI

I am using Advanced Installer to author the MSI but this issue should be standard to MSIs in general. To avoid the headaches of having to uninstall\reinstall MSI packages every time I want to make a ...
IcyHospital5's user avatar
0 votes
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MSI installer finishes succesfully but no files are copied to the installation path

We have a MSI installer that we cannot install in one Windows 7. The whole process finishes OK but when you go to program installation path there is nothing in there. It didn't even creates the main ...
Okrx's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Manually updating software, installed via GPO, results in two versions installed

Notebook received a software package version 1 via GPO from a network share. Then v2 of the same application was installed manually on that computer. Installer removed old v1. Several days later, ...
alex's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Microsoft ORCA Answer File

I am editing a .MSI file and one of the properties is email. Is there a way to pull the users email address automatically so during the install they do not have to enter it?
user1687407's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

MSI on Windows 10 won't register OCX (even when run as admin)

Got an MSI built using a Visual Studio Installer project. The resulting MSI was developed on Windows 7 some years back, and works fine there. There is a merge module (MSM) that is supposed to dump ...
Zach Blocker's user avatar