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8 votes
2 answers

what is the relation between block size and IO?

I have been reading about disk recently which led me to 3 different doubts. And I am not able to link them together. Three different terms I am confused with are block size, IO and Performance. I ...
Ankit Kulkarni's user avatar
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1 answer

Filesystem Performance for LUKS Encrypted Volumes?

As you can format a LUKS volume with any filesystem you want, are certain filesystems better-suited to IO performance against an encrypted filesystem? Specifically, I'm wondering about a loop device ...
Will's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How does Linux handle concurrent disk IO?

When a Linux server is serving many concurrent requests to read many different files, does it: Seek to File_1, read the entire file, then seek to File_2, read the entire file, then seek to File_3, ...
Continuation's user avatar
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