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Why are pgpgin/s and majflt/s inconsistent in sar -B?

In sar -B ouptut, I would naively expect pgpgin/s to equal majflt/s multiplied by the system page size. From man sar: pgpgin/s Total number of kilobytes the system paged in ...
simonp's user avatar
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Linux: how can I determine if an application is doing sequential or random disk I/O?

Everyone knows that databases tend to do lots of small random I/O while big data things like Kafka tend to do large sequential I/O, but if I'm approaching this as a sysadmin without making assumptions,...
Michael Martinez's user avatar
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Do I need to create multiple filesystems on a virtual server to increase I/O performance?

I want to install Oracle on a virtual server. I don't really know the technology behind, my company just gave me a virtual server with multiple (virtual) disks. I have the possibility to divide those ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Access disk io data in linux without tools like iotop/iostat to find processes or files with IO

We have regularly high load average. With the help of a zabbix agent, I could narrow it down to be mainly because of cpu iowait (and lastly disk io). I am not allowed to install any additional ...
nox's user avatar
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"Nosy Neighbor" and the CFQ scheduler

I'm trying to understand how does using CFQ affects the "Nosy Neighbor" problem. I'll ask it a bit naively, can a "Nosy Neighbor" even exist when using CFQ? Isn't that CFQ should make sure all ...
BlackBeret's user avatar
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Reason for high CPU time when executing fio

After weeks of troubleshooting some performance issues I have on my VPS running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I am getting closer to the conclusion that the problem is related to IO. When I have a considerable ...
jbx's user avatar
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Couchdb 3.1.1 increases disk latency gradually over weeks

I've been dealing with this issue for weeks now. I have the followin scenario: couchdb2.3.1-A <===> couchdb2.3.1-B <===> couchdb3.1.1-A <===> couchdb3.1.1-B where <===> ...
Roberto Iglesias's user avatar
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disk I/O latency spikes (contains log files from amplify)

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, disk is ssd. Application stack is: mongodb, node, nignx and some python. Server is up 1 month and already had 3 OS disk fails where Ubuntu would go in read only mode. After ...
usernumber124153's user avatar
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How does avgqu-sz size in iostat output relate to r_await and w_await?

Can someone explain what does avgqu-sz mean in the output of iostat? The manual page states like this. avgqu-sz: The average queue length of the requests that were issued to the device. Can ...
tuk's user avatar
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Give read operations priority over write

I'm working on a system where I have a program that outputs high quality videos for a tv connected to an HDMI (raw 1080p data for instance) and I'm having an issue that when I copy some files to my ...
Lucas César's user avatar
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Long Response Times for Reads via FCoE

We're getting some intriguing performance with our new FCoE environment, and I was hoping that people could let me know if what we're seeing is expected behaviour. Our switching environment consists ...
Evan M.'s user avatar
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Redis parent process smashing disk despite appendfsync = no

We are seeing loads of IO from redis-server despite our save operations being set to occur once every 15 minutes only. The workload is a "full page cache"; we store blobs of compressed HTML. The HTML ...
Jon M's user avatar
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File IO being slow

I've rented this root server with a RAID1 mdadm software raid setup. Using dd to benchmark the file IO speed it achieves 230MB/s write (default blocksize). Certain tasks such as mysql are way slower, ...
Sorunome's user avatar
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File I/O Throughput

I have an IBM x3650 M4 server (64-bit) running Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop (32-bit). I realize that this is a non-standard setup by it's being driven by other requirements. I am seeing slow file writes ...
Konstantin Klitenik's user avatar
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Chrooted from LiveCD: Bad IO performace

my Ubuntu Server installation is broken, so I grabbed a Ubuntu Desktop CD, mounted my Ubuntu installtion on my hard disk and chrooted into it. But now my IO performance is really bad: # time dd if=/...
Marta's user avatar
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How to find the bottleneck for slow rsync

I want to find the bottleneck for a slow rsync. I see these parts (on byte flow order): IO on source CPU on source Network CPU on destination IO on destination How can I debug this?
guettli's user avatar
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High disk usage in CSRSS.EXE

I recently started working on the server for a certain software (Tango). The users complained that it recently became extremely low, so I used an application (ProcessHacker) to see the resource usage ...
jfabian's user avatar
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Two servers with inconsistent disk speed

I have two servers of identical spec (bought at the same time), except for the drive configuration: Server A: C: and D: drives are partitions on the same 2 disk RAID 1 E: is a 2 disk RAID 0 Server ...
paulH's user avatar
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