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Improving SQL speed - Can SSD and more RAM be effective?

I'm running a website on a VPS package on nomral Hard drive, and 3.25 GB RAM. I created a test page and realized that by simply including an SQL command such as: SELECT Name from table where Name IN ...
rockyraw's user avatar
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Server performance affected by MySQL memory consuption and CPU usage

Everyday during the peak time my server getting slow or down. Our hosting provider insisting us to upgrade the server but I think some performance tuning issue is there. Adding the process ...
Jyothish's user avatar
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Which memory settings to use for this MySQL server? [duplicate]

I've been looking in a lot of places so far but I couldn't find any articles about how much memory to allocate to MySQL based on server size. I am about to deploy a website on a relatively small ...
jonnybravo's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Mysql crashing, oom-killer, out of memory, tuning issues?

I just moved all of my websites to a new server with 4GB RAM. Almost immediately, mysql started crashing, and at one point, didn't reboot which caused a major outage (since I didn't notice until ...
runningonplants's user avatar
2 votes
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Should CPU usage be so low while memory usage is high on heavy mysql server?

I'm using ubuntu server 12.04 x64. The server receives a lot of requests to mysql through apache web server (it's light interface). From mysql stats I see there is approx 250 queries / second from 8 ...
Joe's user avatar
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Decreasing MySQL ram usage

MySQL is using 150MB of my RAM memory when it's doing nothing. I have a VPS with only 256 MB ram available, so what can I do to decrease its RAM usage?
ONOZ's user avatar
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MySQL on Linux out of memory

OS: Redhat Enterprise Linux Server Release 5.3 (Tikanga) Architecture: Intel Xeon 64Bit MySQL Server 5.5.20 Enterprise Server advanced edition. Application: Liferay. My database size is 200MB. RAM is ...
Sunrays's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Best MySQL cache settings for 8gb RAM dedicated MySQL server using only InnoDB (5gb database)

I'm a pretty big noob when it comes to setting up MySQL for performance. And honestly I'm not worried about the fine tuning to squeeze every last bit of performance out of MySQL, but I do know that ...
billmalarky's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use most of memory available on MySQL

I've got a MySQL server which has both InnoDB and MyISAM tables. InnoDB tablespace is quite small under 4 GB. MyISAM is big ~250 GB in total of which 50 GB is for indexes. Our server has 32 GB of RAM ...
Zilvinas's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Very large database, very small portion most being retrieved in real time

I have an interesting database problem. I have a DB that is 150GB in size. My memory buffer is 8GB. Most of my data is rarely being retrieved, or mainly being retrieved by backend processes. I would ...
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2 answers

MySQL: Load database to memory

Is there a way to load an entire MySQL database to the RAM, especially on en EC2 server? The database is quite small (~500 MegaBytes) I have enough memory Speed issues are crucial - the resulted ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

More RAM or More Cores for a MySQL Database Server?

Here's the scenario, which I'd love your expert advice on: I've got about 2GB of database currently, maybe double that in a year. I want the optimum server performance for the dedicated DB server I'm ...
The How-To Geek's user avatar