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Are there any big performance boost when upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 22.04?

If I run the server as MySQL database. (Assume using the same MySQL version). Are there any big performance boost when upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 22.04?
Ryan's user avatar
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MySQL runs at >=100% CPU, heavy disk I/O?

Recently my Debian Linux server has been experiencing slow web server response times. I've investigated and it seems that MySQL is the culprit, yet there are no slow queries indicated by the slow ...
Nick's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Tuning MySQL and Linux to reduce maximum response time specifically

We have a MySQL-based application that is very response time sensitive. A MySQL stored procedure needs to respond on average in less than 10 milliseconds and the maximum acceptable response time is 50 ...
Ben Williams's user avatar
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3 answers

Config MySQL to maximum speed and memory

I have a server, 8 cores, 12 GB RAM. This server is only used to run MySQL. So, help me config /etc/my.cnf to maximum speed, memory for MySQL.
Khoa Of GOd's user avatar
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3 answers

How-to manage a MySQL table with over 2 million records

I have an InnoDB table running on MySQL 5.0.45 in CentOS. To make matters worse it is all running in a virtual machine. There are multiple tables that have the probability of exceeding 2 million ...
manyxcxi's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

mysql settings - using the available resources

I've got a lot of processing work I need to run on a mysql server. I've installed mysql 5.1.45-community on a Win 2008 64bit. Its running on a Xeon, 3ghz 6 processors with 8 gig ram. It doesn't ...
Christian Payne's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

MySQL performance tuning

I'm looking for a succinct list of common pitfalls and optimizations for tuning a MySQL server as used for mid-size websites. In general, the type of advice I'm looking for here is information that ...
2 votes
6 answers

Looking for comparisons of disk i/o for a dedicated MySQL server

We hired a consultant to help us increase the capacity of our MySQL cluster, and the first thing (almost only thing) he did was to measure the disk i/o speed of our servers. I am interested in a ...
Brent 's user avatar
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What should I set the initial MySQL Values in My.cnf to for Performance?

I am just setting up my new Linux Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server now, and getting ready for launch. My application is a PHP built application using the Zend Framework, and there is a MySQL heavy site (as are ...
Kladskull's user avatar
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