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Secure access to pre authorized individuals only on application server

I am building a PHP application and would like to lock the backend (even login page) to only be accessible to preauthorized people - even further be able to link activities to the authorized ...
Erick's user avatar
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Webserver | IIS | Configuring to not run certain files

I currently have a webserver running Windows Server 2012 which is running IIS as its webserver and using PHP. Lets assume the a user is able to upload a trojan onto my server, either through a ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Keeping PHP up-to-date on a Windows IIS server

On my Windows servers, Microsoft Update keeps IIS and ASP.NET updated automatically. On my Linux/Debian servers, cron-apt keeps Apache/PHP/etc. updated (semi-)automatically. However, I have not found ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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Securtiy concerns about IIS websites' access rights - Restrict them not to be able to read c:\, etc

I have some security concerns about my IIS websites. From PHP-files (FastCGI) on our server the scripts are able to read my system's root directory (c:\), but even list the content of c:\windows. What ...
Sk8erPeter's user avatar
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IIS and PHP restrict IO permissions

I have php installed trough a fastCGI module. Is there a way to restrict the module (php.exe) read / write permissions to only the directory (+ subdirs) of the IIS site that is calling it? I need ...
Tomasi's user avatar
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Locking down a server for shared internet hosting

Basically I control several servers and I only host either static websites or scripts which I have designed, so I trust them up to a point. However, I have a few customers who want to start using ...
William Hilsum's user avatar