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1 answer

Can undefined variables and notices cause a cpu spike?

We're running centos 6.7, PHP 5 and MySQL 5.5 and Apache 2.2.15. Sometimes we see high CPU usage, mainly caused by MySQL so we take all the logs we can get. We're addressing MySQL optimization ...
Lynob's user avatar
  • 241
-1 votes
1 answer

Empty LAMP Sessions [closed]

I have a LAMP server. Users log in and authenticate against the MySQL database. After successful authentication, session_start() is called. At no point is regenerate_session_id() called. I'm ...
mahbad's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

LAMP stack, read/write access to only specific directories

I'm considering setting up an AWS micro-instance from which I can run a number of different, unrelated websites. An issue I've had with my shared hosting is that some of my clients run Wordpress ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 113
0 votes
1 answer

LAMP/Apache2: How to set webhook API PHP file as public but outside of project root directory?

I have an AWS EC2 LAMP server (using Apache 2.0 and mod_php5) with a basic directory structure like this: var |-- www | `-- api_folder (NOT public) | | |-- sensitive files (NOT ...
Andre Bulatov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

LAMP server with remote MySQL on CentOS 6.4 [duplicate]

I am pretty new to linux and LAMP setup. I want to setup a LAMP environment with AP on one linux server and M on a different linux server. I have a hard time finding a relevant document with such a ...
pradeep's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

LAMP stack with apache and php on one linux server and mysql on a different linux server [closed]

I am pretty new to linux and LAMP setup. I want to setup a LAMP environment with AP on one linux server and M on a different linux server. I have a hard time finding a relevant document with such a ...
pradeep's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to locate where PHP requires extension? [closed]

After php -v I get some warnings about broken PHP extensions. PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.13/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/...
sharp's user avatar
  • 103
2 votes
1 answer

Website sometimes takes long time to load

I am running a LAMP system with Ubuntu 14.04. I have 4 cores and 8GB Ram on my server The problem is that when I connect to my website after idle period( 2-3 hours or more) the it takes lot of time ...
Jayesh Duggal's user avatar
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0 answers

URL routing for domains

I have a site with 10's of thousands of users. Each user has their own site hosted by me at a subdomain of or as an add on domain at or This is all done ...
Stu R's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Apache set max Content-Range

The Question: Client asks for: Range:bytes=0- Server responds with: Content-Length:8396748 Content-Range:bytes 0-8396747/8396748 I want to limit that Content-Range to 1MB chunks so the server would ...
user1133275's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Need to improve apache and mysql configuration. Current config is crashing server due to RAM maxing out?

Ok, we run a growing auto parts shopping cart. Our server runs slow and is always crashing so we asked our web host to assist us. They sent us these report but I need some advice in how to process it. ...
Anthony Accetturo III's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

LAMP stack everything seems to be working except sites are blank

I have a LAMP stack, Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.8 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Sep 4 2013 20:05:42) Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) MYSQL 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu) Codeigniter 2.1.0 ...
ThomasReggi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

LAMP -> CPU usage of Apache processes too high

I have a LAMP system with CentOS 6.4, Apache 2.2.15, MySQL 5.5.32 and PHP 5.3.26 with APC 3.1.10 using a Drupal CMS (https) on a virtual machine with 4 CPUs and 6 GB RAM. My problem is the CPU usage ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache2 many CLOSE_WAIT. LAMP. Locating the issue

I've got a LAMP setup running and I seem to have many CLOSE_WAIT connections for apache2 program when I netstat (several hundred). This eventually causes my apache to become unresponsive. Bellow is ...
D.Mill's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache doesn't parse PHP on VHOST while it works on default

I set up a Debian 6 VPS to host couple of small sites and it works beautifully for default one. Next i created new user and copy/paste default vhost file and enabled it with a2ensite and only ...
dzhi's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What to do after hitting the dreaded 256 max connections Apache Limit

After scratching my head trying to figure out why my site was responding so slowly even though the server resources are fine, I finally checked the Apache status and found: 78 requests/sec - 0.7 MB/...
kmoney12's user avatar
  • 205
-1 votes
3 answers

Looking for modules to increase Apache and PHP Performance [closed]

We are looking for modules that will increase performance for apache and php, we know that the fastcgi module will help our page load times, is there any other modules out there that will give us a ...
Jeffrey L. Roberts's user avatar
31 votes
5 answers

Why not use a WAMP stack?

This is a canonical question about the use of a *AMPP's stack. I recently had a talk with some experienced people and they suggested to me not to use a WAMP stack, and instead install apache, mysql ...
matang's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP errors not being displayed

I'm using PHP with Apache on Ubuntu 12.10. Errors are not being displayed to the browser for some reason and I can't figure it out. I have the following in my php.ini file: error_reporting = E_ALL &...
Mike's user avatar
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1 answer

How to determine if PHP-to-Solr connection is slow?

Hi have a LAMP stack connecting to a Solr 3.6.1 server running on CentOS 6.3. While benchmarking my app, I noticed sudden spikes in the time taken for PHP to send a search query to Solr and getting ...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is my concurrency capacity so low for my web app on a LAMP EC2 instance?

I come from a web developer background and have been humming along building my PHP app, using the CakePHP framework. The problem arose when I began the ab (Apache Bench) testing on the Amazon EC2 ...
AMF's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

High CPU usage resulting in server crash

running out of ideas to explore. First off - let me warn you - I'm a programmer, not a systech :) Here is the situation. Dedicated server (LAMP) running a fair amount of sites. mySQL server is on a ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 53
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1 answer

.php files see Apache environment variables, .html files don't

Consider this environment: $ cat .htaccess AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html SetEnv Foo Bar $ cat test.php <?php echo "Hello: "; echo $_SERVER['Foo']; echo $_ENV['Foo']; echo getenv('Foo'...
dotancohen's user avatar
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1 answer

Parsing .html as PHP: how to check which method would be right?

The usual way of parsing .html files as PHP is to add either the first (PHP as an Apache module) or both (PHP as CGI) of the following lines to an .htaccess file: AddType application/x-httpd-php ....
dotancohen's user avatar
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4 answers

Need working guide to install latest Apache or Nginx, PHP & MySQL for production

Ok I'm told the best and easiest way to install Apache/Nginx, PHP, MySQL for production these days is to pull in the software using apt-get or similar package manager for your specific distro. The ...
zuallauz's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache error log: Unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory: Permission denied

I'm seeing a few of these messages in the Apache error log (/var/log/httpd/error_log) at the rate of about one per half hour, often in small batches: (process:23210): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Unable ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache rejecting connections (for high number of connections from the same ip)

I'm doing some load test over a LAMP server, but for very high load (high number of connections) tests the it stats to refuse the connections. What I must do for allow all the incoming connections ...
Adrime's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I run Zend Server along with already-installed LAMP Stack?

I already have Apache2+MySQL+PHP installed and am using it on Ubuntu Linux. I would like to test out the Zend Framework installation bundled with Zend Server, since the server is supposed to be ...
Buttle Butkus's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to see PHP error stack trace/dump?

Currently my web application can print error when host on my local machine. When I host it on Amazon EC2 server. The error page is empty/blank. I want to see the error stack trace when run on EC2, ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

.htaccess RewriteCond for REMOTE_ADDR while behind Load Balancer?

I have a web server behind a load-balancer. I need to add a conditional redirect to my .htaccess in order to display a maintenance page whenever we take the site offline for maintenance. This part is ...
Jake Wilson's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Is it enough just to install LAMP? [closed]

I use yum to install LAMP on Centos, like this: yum install httpd mysql mysql-server php php-mysql chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on service httpd start service ...
hey's user avatar
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3 answers

What are some general guidelines and recommendations for configuring APC on a LAMP server?

I am looking for some wisdom on configuring APC on a LAMP system. Links to good reference material would be helpful as well.
Corey's user avatar
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-2 votes
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PHP 5.3 on CentOS does not work.

On a CentOS, PHP 5.3 is installed, but does not work, do you have to somehow start something? Apache is started and Apache 2 Test Page is displayed alright. I added a testphp.php file with the ...
Majid Fouladpour's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP-GD installed but not activated in RedHat 5.5 Enterprise

I don't know how the lamp server was installed. Launching a phpinfo() script i can read --without-gd even if i found the packages on the machine root@mypc ~]# rpm -qa |grep php php53-common-5.3.3-...
Michele's user avatar
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2 answers

web page slow load due to long DNS lookup

My website currently is running slow when doing certain AJAX calls. If I do the ajax action consecutively in a row, it is fine. But if I pause for a few minutes and then fire off the ajax event, the ...
samxli's user avatar
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5 answers

Load average is high but resources are not fully used

As far as I can tell, the load average on my server (Ubuntu Linux 8.04.1) is way too high, and in practice I see it slows down or stops serving during peak hours. It's a fairly stock LAMP powering a ...
lima's user avatar
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4 answers

Server load spikes several times a day, load average for the past month is 5 times the load average all year

My Munin notifications set up for our (Debian) LAMP cluster have been notifying me continuously that our load on our production machine has been at dangerous levels. While the average load all year ...
AMF's user avatar
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0 answers

lamp php ubuntu 10.04 with cgi I get accesses to '/var/www/...' instead of '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/...'

I have a basic php cgi configuration problem on top of the apache web server in Ubuntu 10.04 . I am trying to setup cgi so as to answer one of the urls localhost/cgi-bin/index.php or localhost/index....
branco's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache2 and PHP5 won't work together

I installed the latest apache web server on my system using all default configs (simply ./configure, make, make install). Then I was trying to tie PHP5 into it but I can never get it working. First ...
n0pe's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make a php script accessible from multiple ips on centos?

I have a php script script which should be accessible from multiple ip's (, pls. tell how to achieve this on a CentOS 5.5 (64bit) install running apache. ...
iTech's user avatar
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3 answers

How to log the actual output in apache?

I am doing LAMP development for a mobile platform. However, the client browser does not allow me to view the source code of visited pages. I consider the source code to be of huge importance for ...
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just installed ubuntu server and lamp server, php not working

im new here and quite nooby, so sorry if i sound dense. Im trying to install a small internal wiki. I have inatslled ubuntu server with the default lamp packagaes, but when i put a php file in /var/...
user66089's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

I'm trying to set up a LAMP server so it's totally anonymous, any suggestions?

I'm going to set up a web service which will use the LAMP stack. One of the most important features of the site is that it should be anonymous. We thought that a cool thing will be if the server didn'...
flexterra's user avatar
2 votes
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multiuser PHP virtualhosting environment and security

I'd like to setup a multiuser PHP virtualhosting environment. However, here comes my big concern. Users could use the PHP filesystem functions to access the other users directories, thus read the ...
gucki's user avatar
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19 votes
12 answers

How to watch logs in real time via Terminal?

This is a basic question - in the movie "The Social Network" there are several scenes when the young Facebook staff is watching the PHP/Apache server logs on in their TERMINAL in real time. I'm ...
Jamison's user avatar
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Suggested light weight config for LAMP?

Looking for ways to bring down memory requirements for a LAMP install. SITE_INFO: 10-20 pages, 2-5k pageviews per month -- it's a small, low load site. OS: If it matters, I plan to use CentOS-5.5 (...
blunders's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reinstall a LAMP server?

I want to reinstall the whole LAMP server under Debian Lenny. This means, using 'apt-get remove' is not enough, I want to remove completely all components, and start again. I tried but files are ...
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Can't get PHP to connect to MySQL

Having to set up a server from scratch and install PHP & MySQL, running into an issue getting PHP to connect to MySQL. I can successfully connect to the database via command line, but when I try ...
Louis W's user avatar
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How to configure local web server such that it should switch between one php version to another

I'm developing one web application, using PHP eclipse IDE. For an instance i want to switch from one PHP version to another version which resides in different location. Below is my working ...
user52534's user avatar
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8 answers

Why my webserver is using just 2 cores? (8 cores available)

Helo, my server is a 2x quad core, with 8gb ram, it runs LAMP for a middle size website (120 pages opened daily) i installed munin to monitor the CPU, and this is the graph: http://img834.imageshack....
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