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5 answers

Load average is high but resources are not fully used

As far as I can tell, the load average on my server (Ubuntu Linux 8.04.1) is way too high, and in practice I see it slows down or stops serving during peak hours. It's a fairly stock LAMP powering a ...
lima's user avatar
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Errorlog, accesslog, slow query log, execution time log, traffic and req per sec into one tool?

I'm searching for a tool designed for LAMP server that combines server Error log, Access log, slow query log, takes time of execution of PHP scripts,traffic and req per sec statistics (for example ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Can a pool of memcache daemons be used to share sessions more efficiently?

We are moving from a 1 webserver setup to a two webserver setup and I need to start sharing PHP sessions between the two load balanced machines. We already have memcached installed (and started) and ...
Tom's user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

Scaling a LAMP stack

Once you move beyond 100k hits/month, what would people in this community say is the biggest hurdle? My situ: Tons of static media (audio/video/images) being served off of S3/CDN, but being stored ...