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1 answer

Permissions help on LAMP setup

I have a slight problem with a CMS set up on a LAMP setup. The CMS has a file manager which was working fine, with ownership of folders and files in the the file manager set up as miller.psacln, with ...
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2 answers

Using ModRewrite to direct subdomains appropriately fails on MediaTemple

I am familiar with modifying .htaccess files but my initial attempts to do so continue to fail. Ultimately, I want to point users to 'imaginary' subdomains (those which do not exist) so that the ...
JM4's user avatar
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2 answers

LAMP vs Windows Server 2008 scenario

I see there is a lot of things online about this, but wanted an answer specific to this scenario. I can think of a few issues with this, but wanted to ask everyone to get the whole picture. Can ...
madphp's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to log the actual output in apache?

I am doing LAMP development for a mobile platform. However, the client browser does not allow me to view the source code of visited pages. I consider the source code to be of huge importance for ...
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2 votes
1 answer

just installed ubuntu server and lamp server, php not working

im new here and quite nooby, so sorry if i sound dense. Im trying to install a small internal wiki. I have inatslled ubuntu server with the default lamp packagaes, but when i put a php file in /var/...
user66089's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

I run about 100 small traffic websites, what host would you recommend (expansion is planned)? [closed]

I know there are plenty of suggestions like asmallorange, linode, etc, but how well do these apply to someone who is running 100 sites? Traffic can be anywhere from zero hits a month up to about 1,000....
MALON's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

I'm trying to set up a LAMP server so it's totally anonymous, any suggestions?

I'm going to set up a web service which will use the LAMP stack. One of the most important features of the site is that it should be anonymous. We thought that a cool thing will be if the server didn'...
flexterra's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

centos server shared files

I am wanting to implement a multi-server specialised hosting environment. I currently have a cloud solution comprising of 3 centos boxes (2 lamp web servers, 1 mysql). What I am wanting to do is, ...
Kyle Hudson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

multiuser PHP virtualhosting environment and security

I'd like to setup a multiuser PHP virtualhosting environment. However, here comes my big concern. Users could use the PHP filesystem functions to access the other users directories, thus read the ...
gucki's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Errorlog, accesslog, slow query log, execution time log, traffic and req per sec into one tool?

I'm searching for a tool designed for LAMP server that combines server Error log, Access log, slow query log, takes time of execution of PHP scripts,traffic and req per sec statistics (for example ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Strategy for caching

I have a 5 dedicated servers each running the same version of an application. I'm looking to massively step up our caching strategy to take some load off MySQL as this is our main bottleneck. All the ...
robjmills's user avatar
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19 votes
12 answers

How to watch logs in real time via Terminal?

This is a basic question - in the movie "The Social Network" there are several scenes when the young Facebook staff is watching the PHP/Apache server logs on in their TERMINAL in real time. I'm ...
Jamison's user avatar
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1 answer

Suggested light weight config for LAMP?

Looking for ways to bring down memory requirements for a LAMP install. SITE_INFO: 10-20 pages, 2-5k pageviews per month -- it's a small, low load site. OS: If it matters, I plan to use CentOS-5.5 (...
blunders's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reinstall a LAMP server?

I want to reinstall the whole LAMP server under Debian Lenny. This means, using 'apt-get remove' is not enough, I want to remove completely all components, and start again. I tried but files are ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Can you recommend a free control panel app (cPanel alternative) or a special Linux distro (featuring such a panel) for a small shared web hosting? [closed]

My company CEO has decided to move 3 websites the company runs to our dedicated server (which runs CRM, accounting, e-mail etc, and is not loaded much) from a shared web hosting where they are now. I'...
Ivan's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't get PHP to connect to MySQL

Having to set up a server from scratch and install PHP & MySQL, running into an issue getting PHP to connect to MySQL. I can successfully connect to the database via command line, but when I try ...
Louis W's user avatar
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2 answers

memcached installation on LAMP issue

When trying to use memcached in my php script, i get class not found. I am running LAMP on Ubuntu 9.01 and have so far taken the following few steps: apt-get install memcached pecl install Memcache ...
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2 answers

How to configure local web server such that it should switch between one php version to another

I'm developing one web application, using PHP eclipse IDE. For an instance i want to switch from one PHP version to another version which resides in different location. Below is my working ...
user52534's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Adding PNG & JPG support to ImageMagick in PHP on CentOS

I have installed the ImageMagick extension for PHP on CentOS, but it does not have support for PNG or JPG, how do I add support for these file types to ImageMagick?
Unkwntech's user avatar
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8 answers

Why my webserver is using just 2 cores? (8 cores available)

Helo, my server is a 2x quad core, with 8gb ram, it runs LAMP for a middle size website (120 pages opened daily) i installed munin to monitor the CPU, and this is the graph: http://img834.imageshack....
user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Can a pool of memcache daemons be used to share sessions more efficiently?

We are moving from a 1 webserver setup to a two webserver setup and I need to start sharing PHP sessions between the two load balanced machines. We already have memcached installed (and started) and ...
Tom's user avatar
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2 answers

fcgi only using one processor?

I'm working on a setup which uses fcgi/nginx. It seems to be running correct (24 children and 500 max requests), except that all of the phpfcgi instances are piling on one core. When I run top, I ...
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3 votes
1 answer

How to enable curl, installed Ubuntu LAMP stack?

I have installed ubuntu Lamp stack.But the curl is not enabled neither i can find extension listed in the INI file, i added manually but it didn't worked too. How should enable Curl then ?
user44520's user avatar
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4 answers

How to enable core PHP extension in Linux?

I'm trying to understand the process for enabling an a core extension (dom) in php. When I run phpinfo, I see '--disable-dom' in the configure command. Am I supposed to re-install PHP?
Yarin's user avatar
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How to compile php5-cgi out of PHP source code?

I've only compiled php itself from source, how is php-cgi generated?
apache's user avatar
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How do I enable JPEG Support for PHP?

My Configure Command doesn't say anything about jpg, nor gif/png, but I can see gif/png support in the output of phpinfo(). I built PHP with --with-gd, but only GIF Support and PNG Support are in ...
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1 vote
3 answers

Load images in parallel - supported by browser or a feature to implement?

I am not a pro in web development and Apache server still remains a mystery to me. we've got a project which runs on LAMP, pretty much like all the commercial hosting plans. I am confused about one ...
Michael Mao's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Secure LAMP server for production use

What is the procedure for securing a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP Server (or even Perl) for production use? Other than setting the MySQL password and the root password for Linux what other (maybe not so ...
WalterJ89's user avatar
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2 answers

how to enable php4 only, no php5

I have a LAMP server with Ubuntu 9.10, Apache 2, Mysql 5 and PHP5. I want to disable PHP5 and use only PHP4. Can anyone explain how to do this? I'm doing this because I need to simulate an ...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

Web Server Scripting Hack to Maintain State and Keep a Domain Cookieless

I am looking for a solution on a LAMP server to keep a site cookieless such as "", where static content is served from "", and with rules in place to rewrite requests for "...
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1 vote
1 answer

Local .htaccess strangely allowed running PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode in Apache under shared hosting environment

I am using a shared web hosting service. Running phpinfo, I can see the Server API shows CGI/FastCGI rather than Apache 2 Handler. In this article:
bobo's user avatar
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7 answers

Lightweight Linux Distro for a Web Server with a GUI

I'm a PHP programmer who would like to stop editing files on the live server over FTP (please don't taunt me), so I'm thinking about replicating the live server environment inside a virtual machine ...
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3 votes
6 answers

Running multiple sites on a LAMP with secure isolation

I have been administering a few LAMP servers with 2-5 sites on each of them. These are basically owned by the same user/client so there are no security issues except from attacks through vulnerable ...
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12 votes
2 answers

improve our deployment strategy

We have an ecommerce app that we develop at our company. Its a reasonably standard LAMP application that we have been developing on and off for about 3 years. We develop the application on a testing ...
robjmills's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

LAMP Security CentOS

I'm kinda new with servers, but I know my way around. Now I've got a server configured, only I'd like to know if this setup is safe for production use, or if I could do some things better. OS: Centos ...
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3 votes
6 answers

How can I block access to my website from certain countries using the LAMP stack?

I have a website that I do not want to be viewed by entire countries. The website is running on a LAMP server. How can I achieve this?
haim evgi's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How do I set up per-site php.ini files on a LAMP server using NameVirtualHosts?

I have a LAMP server serving a number of different websites using NameVirtualHosts. Until recently having a global php.ini file has been just fine, but recently one of our developers has requested ...
Brent 's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

My server is about to be switched off. I run a LAMP set up, what should I back up?

My hosting company may cut me off. Any ideas on what files I should back up? I am running RedHat 4.1. How would I save my current PHP set up? Can I just save the .so files? MySQL - is backing up ...
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4 votes
8 answers

Scaling a LAMP stack

Once you move beyond 100k hits/month, what would people in this community say is the biggest hurdle? My situ: Tons of static media (audio/video/images) being served off of S3/CDN, but being stored ...
8 votes
4 answers

Profiling Apache+Mysql+Php server - which is the bottleneck?

How do I profile an Linux + Apache + Mysql + Php server for speed? I have a server with a heavily modified MediaWiki instance running on Ubuntu 8.04. It's a bit sluggish - I haven't done anything to ...
amarillion's user avatar
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