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2 votes
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In Debian-based script: how to determine if kernel changed and needs reboot?

How can we (more) easily determine if a kernel-change-reboot is required in Debian, other than doing this in a script (which is a bit cumbersome)? Ubuntu has /var/run/reboot-required and per our ...
Johnny Utahh's user avatar
1 vote
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Does crontab @reboot work on debian 7?

I need a simple way to run some script on reboot: I read that @reboot in crontab can work, but looks like some linux does not accept it: Does it work on debian 7 ? Does it work on debian 8 ? Does ...
yarek's user avatar
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Different handling of reboot at "identical" Debian 8 servers

We have several servers, all running Debian 8 (up-to-date) and configured exactly the same by ansible. These servers run on different hardware / vps. However, there is a difference between them in ...
rmuller's user avatar
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Debian reboot suggested after kernel update since Bullseye

So I've been using Stretch as a production server for a small academic research office. Had a nice ~500 or so days of uptime, and I kept it up to date as updates rolled. This summer, Stretch was ...
marsisalie's user avatar
0 votes
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RAM and CPU at 100% caused server to autorestart, why?

I am using a server at OVH. And I never had any problems until now. Apparently the server seems to work without any problems, I mean no HW faults. We have run many HW tests for RAM, CPU and disks. ...
Alessandro Perucchi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Server stucked in reboot

When I reboot the server, it is getting stucked here. It may have problem with this webdav mounting in fstab: https://webdavdir /home/user/Maildir davfs rw,uid=user,gid=user,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=...
Ünsal Korkmaz's user avatar