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FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for a variety of architectures. It is derived from BSD, the version of UNIX® developed at the University of California, Berkeley; and is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. It is a complete Operating System, including the kernel, drivers, and userland utilities such as shells.

28 votes
4 answers

Should I create ZFS zpools with whole disks or partitions?

I am making zpools on FreeBSD machine. While creating zpools I observe these two cases: If I take raw disks and create zpool then I am able to form zpools and they are working perfectly. … If I format disks using gpart in freebsd-zfs format and then make zpool then also they are working perfectly. What I am confused in, is which approach is better for creation of zpools? …
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How to specify the path which is to be tested using iozone?

I have a freebsd install which has ufs filesystem. Inside freebsd i have created a zpool in raidz1. …
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