Questions tagged [smartphone]

a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, Internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded apps.

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40 votes
34 answers

Best smartphone for sysadmins?

I need a cell phone that will help me keep an eye on my servers and services when I am away from my computer/desk/workplace. Which smart phone would you recommend for sysadmins? An SSH client is a ...
11 votes
3 answers

how to disable remote wipe for Exchange 2010 ActiveSync?

When connecting android mobile devices to Exchange ActiveSync some require granting device administrator privileges which permit an exchange administrator to remotely wipe the phone. The warning ...
Rory's user avatar
  • 597
4 votes
5 answers

Smartphone app to sound an alarm when a specific email is received

This may be borderline Server Fault, so I'm cool if it's decided this question is migrated elsewhere. As a sysadmin, I am responsible for responding to any monitoring alerts which occur out of hours. ...
Ben Pilbrow's user avatar
  • 12.1k
3 votes
3 answers

Smartphone emulation software

With the new Exchange boxes going in, I'd like to do some thorough testing on smartphone features, as well as being able to provide salesman-proof documentation (I'm a dreamer). We've got drastic ...
Kara Marfia's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Smartphone email safety

My boss is confident that Blackberry phones are safe for company use (having it connect to the email server, etc.). He is less confident about iPhones. Regarding connecting to a corporate email server ...
Dinah's user avatar
  • 407
2 votes
4 answers

How do you tether a cellphone to a Linux notebook?

I am currently trying to find ways to tether a Nokia E62 cellphone to a Dell notebook running Fedora 11. In Windows world, I would download the Nokia PC Suite applications, one of which is the ...
Bob Cross's user avatar
  • 237
2 votes
3 answers

Which smartphone OS would you choose for your users?

While we currently only use windows mobile smartphone, my boss seems less and less reluctant to try and choose a new kind of OS for our users corporate phones. For some reasons, we can't use a ...
Florent Courtay's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Server cost for smartphone app with web service [duplicate]

I am working on a smartphone application that will require a backend web service - but I have absolutely clueless to how much it will cost. Web Service will handle: - login of users - cataloging of ...
FrankieA's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote
3 answers

Enterprise backup w/ smartphone options?

Is there software available for centralized server backups of corporate mobile devices (Blackberry, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone 7)? I am looking for something that will "notice" when a mobile ...
Albion's user avatar
  • 465
1 vote
1 answer

Does Exchange ActiveSync save mails in phone?

We have a lot of smartphones using Exchange ActiveSync to receive mails. Does the phone save these mails in its internal memory? For example: to work with them when we are off-line. Thanks in advance ...
jomag's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote
2 answers

Limit number of views to a website from a smartphone

How do websites such as limit the number of accesses to their website from mobiles/smart phones? My understanding is that they would only see the mobile gateway IP so they can't use IP ...
Arlo's user avatar
  • 13
0 votes
4 answers

Exchange 2007: smartphone syncing options

Consider a deployment of Exchange 2007. OWA is deployed and working well. Users want to sync their smartphones with their Exchange account (mail, contacts, calendar mostly). The Exchange configuration ...
p.campbell's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to differentiate between a Mobile phone IP address to a computer IP address? [closed]

I have a list of IP addresses, and I want to know how to filter mobile / smart phone IPs from the list...any suggestions?
astronut_18's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is a smartphone recognized as a smartphone when connected to wifi? If so, how can I avoid that? [closed]

So I wanted to know if when I connected my iPhone to a wireless connection, the router or device that shares the connection is able to recognize my iPhone as an iPhone. I mean are all smartphones "...
wleow's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

Exchange public folders, mobile

What is the easiest way of accessing public folders (calendars and contacts) in Exchange 2007 via smartphone? Will later updates of Exchange 2013 (CU7+?) support public folders so I should think ...
Molly's user avatar
  • 1
0 votes
3 answers

Twitter client?

I have a voice server which currently sends an email to notify when someone called. But actually, since messages are very short ("[object] Name - number"), the server could just as well send a ...
OverTheRainbow's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Which company phone do you recommend? [closed]

In terms of handling enterprise infrastructure, bulk pricing, and overall ease of use, which phone/plan would you recommend for a company wide (or division wide) phone plan? I am somewhat familiar ...
Joe Phillips's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is there an Infinite Number of QR Codes? [closed]

QR Codes seemingly are becoming more commonplace in the world today. I, myself, am probably one of 3 people worldwide without a smartphone thus unable to use a QR reader. The convenient possibilities ...
Christopher Chipps's user avatar