Questions tagged [msi]

MSI is a Windows Installer package. It contains all of the components necessary to install a particular software package along with a machine-readable description of how the package should be installed.

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60 votes
6 answers

The corporate benefits of using MSI files

What are the advantages of using .msi files over regular setup.exe files? I have the impression that deployment is easier on machines where users have few permissions, but not sure about the details....
Frode Lillerud's user avatar
48 votes
13 answers

Group Policy installation failed error 1274

I'm trying to deploy an MSI via the Group Policy in Active Directory. But these are the errors I'm getting in the System event log after logging in: The assignment of application XStandard from ...
David Thomas Garcia's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How can I speed up MSI package install and uninstall?

When installing and uninstalling Windows Installer packages, or MSI files as they are called, the progress of the installation appears signifiantly slower than with other installation packages. Why ...
Stein Åsmul's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can I eliminate the huge, cached MSI files in C:\Windows\Installer?

The size of the MSI cache folder (C:\Windows\Installer) has grown substantially, and is now taking up way too much disk space on my (domain) computers. Can this folder be eliminated or shrunk? Same ...
Stein Åsmul's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to disable msiexec help GUI?

I'm automating unattended retrieval & installation of specified .msi packages with a powershell script but if the command is invoked with syntax errors the msiexec will wait indefinitely for an OK ...
snoweagle's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

MSI package for reg deployment

What is the best way to create MSI package to deploy a registry key over a network, rather than using GPO.
Eddy's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Find GUID of MSI Package

How can I find the GUID of an MSI package? I would like to script the removal of a program on a large number of desktops by using: msiexec.exe /x ProductCode Any reason why this would not work ...
SamErde's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Is there anyway to get msiexec to echo to stdout instead of logging to a file

As part of a continuous delivery pipeline I'd like to install an msi on a given machine. msiexec plus psexec does this perfectly, but it seems that msiexec can only log to a file and I need it to log ...
mrmrcoleman's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How do I determine what the Windows Installer (msiexec) is doing?

After rolling out a new software package, I'm seeing high CPU usage on machines. One process that seems to be really active is msiexec, which really shouldn't be running. I'm watching it in process ...
Boden's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

I deployed Flash Player via a Software Installation policy. How to upgrade?

I have a Windows Server 2008 machine as my DC. Earlier this year I created a Software Installation GPO to deploy Adobe Flash Player plugin MSI. I assigned the policy to the computers, about half run ...
eleven81's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Silent Install of MSI

What is the command line to silently install an MSI file?
JoshRivers's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Installing MSI via Group Policy in a Fully Unattended Way

I have some MSI files I would like to install via Group Policy. Does anyone know how to do this or know a document that explains how to do this that meets the following criteria: When installed by ...
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

I want to install an MSI twice

I have a peculiar wish to install an msi twice on a machine. The purpose of the double install is to first install under the pre-production folder, run the deployment in a safe environment prior to ...
Don Vince's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What could be causing MsiInstaller to continuously reconfigure applications(EventID 1035)?

I have a brand-new machine that we just installed Windows Server 2008 Enterprise on about two months ago. In the event log, I am seeing thousands of EventID 1035 logged. This is MsiInstaller ...
user7862's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Deploying .msi application through GPO doesn't work

I've been trying to deploy the forticlient SSL VPN application (.msi format) into my domain machines, using a GPO. Even though I made a silent previous installation by issuing the command: msiexec /qb ...
TechCP's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Thunderbird msi installer package

I am in need of a thunderbird msi (Microsoft Installer) package which can be deployed via group policies using Microsoft ActiveDirectory. I am very pleased with the Firefox packaged provided by ...
Comradin's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Cleanup pending installation

I have an old PC with Windows 2000 that I want to reanimate. Each time I start the PC I see a dialog box "Windows Installer","Installation wird vorbereitet." (Preparing installation). I can cancel ...
harper's user avatar
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