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Copy PHP website to virtual folder under IIS 8.5

I would like to make an existing PHP Website (Apache) run on a virtual folder under IIS 8.5. With the help of some nice online tools I translated the following .htaccess content: <IfModule ...
Bernd Morgeneyer's user avatar
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IIS rewrite rules for subdomain and nonexistent files

Setup: I know how to use a rewrite rule to route urls to a routing script such as router.php. I know how to use a rewrite rule to route urls containing a subdomain to subfolders in the document root. ...
user1096748's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP: Extensionless URLs in IIS7 (windows)? (for wordpress)

I have recently installed wordpress but i would like to configure extensionless URLs .. I am using IIS7 but on a shared server. I presume i cna add something to web.config file?? I am little bit ...
user11655's user avatar
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PHP, url rewriting with htaccess, and Microsoft IIS Url Rewriting?

I am used to working with Apache servers, so when mod_rewrite is enabled, I can create an htaccess file and use url rewriting. Here's my htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{...
Andrew's user avatar
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What is the URL_CHANGED Event on IIS7 Request Tracing Log?

I just enabled Failed Request Tracing for a site and I get a URL_CHANGED event as the third item on the log. 1. GENERAL_REQUEST_START SiteId="1", AppPoolId="DefaultAppPool", ConnId="1610613013", ...
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