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Script to search out outdated/insecure OSS LAMP applications on web server

Some time ago I ran across a script that reported outdated/insecure versions of Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, OS Commerce, etc on a server. It did this by traversing the file system and looking for ...
Matt's user avatar
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PHP/MySQL hostserver crashing/freezing

I am not sure if I have totally missed something here so I am asking, to hopefully become a better person. So I already now, ask for forgiveness for my stupidity, if any. I have a client that is ...
lejahmie's user avatar
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4 answers

I run about 100 small traffic websites, what host would you recommend (expansion is planned)? [closed]

I know there are plenty of suggestions like asmallorange, linode, etc, but how well do these apply to someone who is running 100 sites? Traffic can be anywhere from zero hits a month up to about 1,000....
MALON's user avatar
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2 answers

Can you recommend a free control panel app (cPanel alternative) or a special Linux distro (featuring such a panel) for a small shared web hosting? [closed]

My company CEO has decided to move 3 websites the company runs to our dedicated server (which runs CRM, accounting, e-mail etc, and is not loaded much) from a shared web hosting where they are now. I'...
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