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This tag should be used for questions about Intel based server platforms, software and others related specifically to hardware and software from the Intel Corporation.

13 votes

Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - Exceeded Number of Supported Devices?

There is a hardware limit of 96 endpoints on most Intel XHCI controllers. It wouldn't surprise me if each camera is using 8 endpoints, that's a pretty typical number for complex, modern devices. …
David Schwartz's user avatar
2 votes

Running Two Intel x5355 CPU with different spec numbers on same motherboard

It should work perfectly. Try it.
David Schwartz's user avatar
3 votes

How come Core i7 (desktop) dominates Xeon (server)?

The primary advantage of the Xeon CPUs is support for multiple physical CPUs. Otherwise, you can compare CPUs spec-for-spec. There really is no difference between a "server class" CPU and a "desktop c …
David Schwartz's user avatar
2 votes

Optimal number of threads for compute-intensive task on server with Hyperthreading

8 threads would be ideal, assuming there's no significant additional overhead in result combining or anything like that. With only four threads, any execution units that couldn't be saturated by the s …
David Schwartz's user avatar