Questions tagged [virtual-machines]

A virtual machine (VM) is a completely isolated guest operating system installation within a normal host operating system. It is a software implementation of a machine (i.e. a computer) that executes programs like a physical machine.

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How to Root volume partition without losing the data

We have this scenario : I to increase the disk space of one of our VM, Disk details : root@Test-01:~# blkid /dev/vda2: UUID="0eae0eb4-92ed-45ec-aa99-6d606f17e70a" TYPE="swap" ...
sam23's user avatar
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Virtual machines not working with 802.1X - Linux Bridge

I am experimenting 802.1X in my home lab. I have most stuff working but one problem I have is with virtual machines not being able to authentication onto the network using 802.1X. There is very little ...
Tipex's user avatar
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No layer 2 traffic in an Open vSwitch bridge

I see no traffic in layer 2 and above in an OVS bridge, but I do see layer 1 traffic. I have the following setup: I have created a Linux VirtualBox VM with three adapters: NAT with port forwarding the ...
falhumai96's user avatar
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When connecting to my server through my domain, I get connection error. however, on a VPN it connects just fine [closed]

New poster here so unsure if this is the correct stack exchange. But basically, I use NPM (Nginx Proxy Manager) to direct internet traffic to various VMs running on my hub server running proxmox. ...
Ambient Skai's user avatar
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Why does EC2 allow QEMU/KVM 32 bit VMs to run, but not 64 bit?

The setup is EC2 with 8 cores and 32GBs of memory running Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop. Virtual Machine Manager has been installed. I downloaded 32 bit and 64 bit Windows 10. I'm able to create a VM using 32 ...
Bob Smith's user avatar
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VS Code Remote Development giving back error

I'm trying to connect my Vs code using SSH extension to my Debian VM on azure. I tried running the SSH connection on terminal and it's working fine ssh -i Desktop/Emdad/testing/magento-testing-key.pem ...
Adnane Rbt's user avatar
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Does Linux tap interface support tcp segmentation on ipip network traffic

Recently I experienced an issue on running kubernetes slaves on a VM with calico ipip tunnel as the network connection protocol to interconnect the kubernetes nodes. The current symptom (with the ...
lordofire's user avatar
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Is it possible to mount an .iso file to the CD/DVD device of an VMware Workstation using command line?

I'm on Windows and using VMware Workstation as my virtualization tool. Normally, if I want to mount an .iso file to my guest VM, I can do it through the GUI: I want to know if it's possible to do the ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
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How to Add vip to vps?

I have a ubuntu vps and it is accissble by its ip. I want to add a vip to it which let clients connect to it by this vip from internet. I have a floating ip from other subnet and it is added to my vps ...
Ehsan Hosseini's user avatar
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How to find out why a specific File is locked on my ESXI Server

I have a broken VM on my ESXi Server, after looking for the reason the VM isn't starting I found 4 files locked for some reason even when the VM isn't powered on. When I try to use "...
Alex von B's user avatar
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Vagrant VM lost port connection to host machine

I'm duplicating my question from superuser, but I want to know why it doesn't work. Let me explain, I have a server on Ubuntu 22 where I have MongoDB running. In this server I created a vagrant vm ...
Felix's user avatar
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Memory and CPU requirements for Samba server on a virtual linux machine [duplicate]

I want to set up a samba server on a VM in a cloud, for up to 50 clients. What size of VM would I need in terms of RAM, CPU and disk space? The OS would either be CentOS or Ubuntu. This is not a ...
Michael's user avatar
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Does installing NTP mean I'm installing an NTP server?

Reading this: What are the limits of running NTP servers in virtual machines? (2010) And this: I'm not sure what exactly I'm installing. Especially if I'...
KoenDG's user avatar
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Communicating with VM on remote host (How to configure routing)

I am running an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Server and am tying to stand up VMs on the server using Multipass. I am able to successfully launch VMs and can ssh to them from the server. However I am unable ...
klog's user avatar
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Unable to change "on host maintenance" option for an instance template on GCP

I've been using instance templates for Instance Groups, and I never had to go to "Advanced Options" because everything was working as expected. But today, while creating a new instance group ...
Hasnain's user avatar
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With GCloud CLI -- how to list all instances associated with a particular schedule (i.e. resource-policy)?

Here is a picture of the WebUI for GCP, showing an "instance schedule" that has 3 instances currently associated with it: How can I list those same 3 instances using the GCloud CLI? I found ...
CrashNeb's user avatar
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Azure compute gallery sysprep issues

I am trying to update an Azure Compute Gallery version but it's not working properly. The process I am following is as follows: Deploy the old version from the Compute Gallery to a new VM and start. ...
Ganners's user avatar
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multipass list failed: failed to determine IP address

When I run multipass list I am getting: list failed: failed to determine IP address. sudo journalctl -u snap.lxd.daemon -n 300 lxd.daemon[3050]: time="2023-04-02T17:03:10-03:00" level=...
Raul Cejas's user avatar
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Can you use virsh to reset vm id sequence? [duplicate]

Question in regards to "Id" for running VMs, using virsh running local Qemu VMs. command virsh list will bring up a list of the current running VMs defined, eg,  Id Name State  --------------...
account404's user avatar
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multipass no running after restart service

multipass is not running: abr 02 21:44:21 raul-MAX-L5 dnsmasq[7213]: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use abr 02 21:44:21 raul-MAX-L5 dnsmasq[7213]: FAILED to ...
Raul Cejas's user avatar
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Internet-facing port 443 in Azure - security concerns

I want to deploy a microservice on Azure Ubuntu VM using one of following stacks: docker-compose/AKS using Traeffic as reverse proxy. I'm looking for cheapest but reasonable in terms of security ...
rethon012's user avatar
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Should you partition disk for instances in cloud? [duplicate]

I've always been taught that it's practical to partition your disk using LVM, where each partition is given to a specific directory, e.g (/var, /opt, /home, /usr and /tmp). However, I'm now looking at ...
N. J's user avatar
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multipass moving data directory fail

I am following: and to move MULTIPASS_STORAGE to another location, but I am not lucky. I ...
Raul Cejas's user avatar
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Hyper-V VM wont start with more the 22gb RAM and produces Error Code 0x80070070

Currently got a server with 512GB of RAM and want to allocate 22GB of RAM to VM's on Hyper-V, currently have three machines, two with 22GB and one with 24GB RAM and are working fine but the fourth VM ...
Nik's user avatar
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Fedora does not boot when it is installed / virtualized using virt-manager and later booted using the qemu parameters (using /dev/sdd as disk)

I'm on Debian 11 (where I'm using the default qemu version 5.2) and I'm trying to boot Fedora 37 using the following qemu commands : /usr/bin/./qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 8G -machine q35,accel=...
Marietto's user avatar
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Connection to Azure VM through SSH doesn't work all the way

I have a development vm setup in a private network area in Azure. Now I'm trying to connect to it via SSH and it's failing for a certain reason. I'm sure that I uploaded the correct public key to the ...
NFoerster's user avatar
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GCP VM (using cloud NAT) loses internet connection

We have a pretty simple setup for the VM on GCP w/o public IP address. To reach the internet, we use cloud NAT (w/ the basic configuration, see attached image): The problem we have is that the VM ...
Giorgi Jambazishvili's user avatar
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Unable to install a VM in KVM: Error: Unable to destroy domain

I am runnging ubuntu server and I am unable to launch virtual machines, Initially it said permission denied but now it is also saying error: Failed to destroy domain 'esxi03' error: Requested ...
christian Martin's user avatar
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Bridge between networks

I'm beginner and I'm trying to set bridge between two networks in Virtual Box. I've created two VMs (Debian1 and Debian2) and for network settings I set Debian1 to intnet1(Internal network) and ...
themdd's user avatar
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A networked filesystem spontaneously mounted on my VPS and I'm not sure what, why or how

This VPS was more or less idle during the days when this happened. The host (Scaleway) did not perform any maintenance or upgrades during this time, nor did I interact with the VPS directly or through ...
Speed Dial Dave's user avatar
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On system startup, libvirtd fails with "Network is already in use" error

I'm configuring a new system to host VMs with libvirtd (AlmaLinux 8.9, 4.18.0-425.13.1.el8; libvirt 8.0.0-10.2) and I'm seeing a weird behavior when I reboot the system. On boot, libvirtd fails to ...
Thomas J. Girsch's user avatar
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Does creating a machine Image stops the VM Instance in google cloud?

I have to make an image of a VM instance on Google Cloud, if I use the Create Machine Image option will this shut down the VM instance while it is creating, I'm reading the documentation on it but it ...
user7147424's user avatar
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VMware ESXi 7.0 U3j Can't login via root after a few minutes

I can't login via root user at the moment . If I do a hardware reboot on the server , the problem is solved and I can login for just once before I'm locked out again after like 5 minutes . I have read ...
Prestige VPS's user avatar
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Bridge between physical interface and virtual (Cockpit)

Good afternoon. At the moment I'm using Debian 11 as the main system and Ubuntu 18.04 as the system for virtualization, I do all the management through Cockpit. The server is connected via a router, ...
sadkin's user avatar
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Ping to/from KVM QEMU VM running in another network namespace

I cannot ping to the default network namespace from a KVM QEMU VM running in a separate network namespace. Here is my setup: ip netns add test-ns # Creating veth ip link add if-in-ns type veth peer ...
jak kaj's user avatar
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How to create a shared Disk with the image stored on Host in KVM?

I am currently trying to setup a disk, using the raw img format on the host, which is then shared between multiple guest VMs (which are running Alpine Linux), using the libvirt / KVM virtualization ...
Apoorv Pal's user avatar
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Add Azure D drive (temporary storage) to a migrated VM

Any VM created in Azure is given a D drive; a temporary storage drive attached to the hypervisor; which gives better performance than the data disks as it's closer to the VM's compute resources. This ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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GCP is restarting my VMs in the middle of the day

I have a fleet of e2-highmem-2 GCP VMs. I expect that these VMs will not be restarted randomly. However, that seems to be what is happening. Every two weeks or so GCP is restarting my VMs. The VMs ...
A X's user avatar
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Is there anyway I can run an arm64 VM using Cockpit on a amd64 machine?

I am currently facing a challenge with integrating Cockpit on my AMD64 machine for managing both AMD64 and ARM64 virtual machines. I have successfully run an ARM64 machine on my AMD64 machine using ...
aggarcia's user avatar
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How to convert virtual machine images to bootable OS installation?

I have a virtual machine installed in QEMU. I want to migrate this machine and use it as base machine. Query I have is that it is possible, and if yes will simple converting .img to .iso and burning ...
Ayush Gupta's user avatar
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Error installing Debian on Virtual_machine(Disk parallel)

Debian 12 keeps giving me a new error each time, the last one I got after finishing the installation is: ERROR TRYING TO BOOT FROM SATA DRIVE 1 I tried the open Disk parallel and followed a suggestion ...
MAHDI NOUIRA's user avatar
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Why isn't my Talos install booting the k8s apiserver, though it otherwise seems functional

I've been trying to get Talos up and running on a few VMs using libvirt. Those VMs appear to be launching etcd and it's clear from the logs the etcd's are talking to each other, and it's also clear ...
Omnifarious's user avatar
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How to switch from VirtualBox to VMWare

I've worked with virtual box (6.X and 7) on windows 10 for a few months and it was a pitty. From network-issues (Host-only vs. NAT vs. NAT-Network etc.) to lagging machines to .vdi-files that were ...
Joshit's user avatar
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Self hosting/Colocation multiple VMs with public IP addresses on single server

I have a single server that is running some VMs. I want each of these VMs to be accessed through public IP addresses correspondingly. I'm looking into hosting the server on my own and get a block of ...
5et's user avatar
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slow performance on ssd when using kvm to launch vm's

On my host hardware I have 1G's speed on my vm I create using kvm it drops to around 20MB's My host is running ubuntu 22.04 LTS How can I optimise this? I am using file based VM's. I created disk ...
shorif2000's user avatar
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How to connect to VM from another computer in the local network

I have a host system (running Debian 11) where I installed a virtual machine (Ubuntu 22.04) using KVM. I can ssh between host and VM using their IPs ( and I also can ssh ...
Matias Irazoqui's user avatar
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migrating openBSD VM from linux host to linux host messes up name resolution

I created an OpenBSD guest VM on fedora. I migrated the qcow2 image from fedora to rockylinux and used it create a new VM. virt-install \ --import \ --virt-type=kvm \ --name=...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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Configure ceph block storage pool in cockpit

I have a plain install on machine C with Oracle Linux 9.1 and cockpit and cockpit-machines. On machines A and B I have a ceph cluster configured which defines an rbd block storage pool for VM disks. ...
a.ilchinger's user avatar
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Re-start VM Instance after stop (for changing the machine type)

I would like to change the machine type in VM instance so I stop the VM instance and change it and edit it. However, I cannot restart it afterwards and the message below is shown: a g1-small vm ...
SQ Hair Treatment's user avatar
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How To install ChromeOS Flex on AWS

How To install ChromeOS Flex Install AWS ec2, I go through this link but did not get so much help related to AWS Using CloudReady-Home-v83-x64.ova in my VMware Workstation Player, it works fine, but I ...
sam23's user avatar
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