Questions tagged [xtrabackup]

XtraBackup : Percona's Open Source Backup Software

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Backing up a single database with mariabackup?

I've been working on redoing our database backup routines, and have looked into mariabackup as mysqldump doesn't cut it anymore given the size of our schemas. We have multiple schemas that need to be ...
KevinP's user avatar
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MySQL Enterprise Backup GUI (or a live backup alternative)

I am looking into MySQL Enterprise backup solution. I am interested in a non-blocking mysql backup (live and incremental). MySQL Enterprise provides this solution (we have the subscription already). ...
geoaxis's user avatar
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What is the alternative for innodb_track_changed_pages in Debian 10/MariaDB 10.3

So we have been using Debian 9 with MariaDB 10.1. For faster backups (total DB size across three DBs is > 1TB) we have enabled innodb_track_changed_pages. However, that feature has gone away on ...
Stefan Seidel's user avatar
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MariaDB Galera SST Fails

I am running a 3 node MariaDB 10 Galera Cluster on CentOS 6. I have use this set-up before without issue else where but now when adding a 3rd node the SST fails with this error in the logs: 150212 18:...
kemra102's user avatar
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Issue with percona-xtrabackup-2.0.0 hotbackup on MyIsam tables

I am trying to implement hot backup for MyIsam tables with "percona-xtrabackup-2.0.0" and getting the following error? As the all tables are MyIsam I doubt am I using the correct package ? Backup :...
arn's user avatar
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Installing XtraBackup on Centos 6

I’m trying to install XtraBackup on centos 6 using this guid but i get these errors: Error: Package: perl-DBD-MySQL-4.013-3.el6.x86_64 (C6.10-base) Requires: Error: ...
h0mayun's user avatar
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how to take mysql xtrabackup to a remote server

I have a server running with mysql with huge db of 1 TB. Now, I want to take full backup through percona xtra backup, because incremental backup is easy with percona xtrabackup. Now,if I initiate ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar
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Why does Mariabackup think my compressed table is corrupted?

I've got a MariaDB database (version 10.2) that I'm attempting to back up with Mariabackup (the official fork of Percona's XtraBackup). Both the DB server and the backup tool are installed from the ...
Cassie Meharry's user avatar
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xtrabackup: too many open files (more than 1048576)

When using xtrabackup to backup a mysql database with lots of tables, the proces fails with Error 24: ‘Too many open files’. This is a FAQ on the Percona website:
svdr's user avatar
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Need to do partial restore from a full xtrabackup

I'm using percona xtrabackup to do full DB backups on mariadb 10 and now i'm testing the restore. I want to restore just some databases (the important DBs) and ignore others (big archive DBs), ...
higuita's user avatar
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Restore InnoDB to different machine

I currently have backups that were taken with Percona XtraBackup of all my mySQL databases. My specific scenario is that I want to restore a month old InnoDB database snapshot to my local machine for ...
user67435's user avatar